Posted by T

pain and the cure

Posted by T

Update, too much to update. Inara is into everything! She crawls so fast, pulls herself up, eats everything and is adorable doing it. Xander is into Star Wars lately and insists that everything is a light saber. It is entirely too cute when he starts singing the theme song. I have been in a lot of pain since June and after my fourth try of getting help this doctor actually figured it out! I broke and dislocated my clavicle or collar bone. So now I have started physical therapy and I am in lots of pain but I think it's helping. I was beginning to think that my perpetual state would be one of crabiness with my children as wandered through my day in a haze of pain. I am really excited to be able to do things again, physical things like run or jump or play without wanting to scream. So there you have it that is the pain and the cure.

Xander also continues to grow like a weed and I can't believe how tall he is, tonight we cut his hair and he looks so grown up. Of course he wailed the whole time because the hair was prickly and he didn't like it on his neck. Inara cried because her big brother was crying in the bathroom and she was locked out of the bathroom. Gaia whined because both babies were crying and I just about pulled out my hair. But I am so grateful that they love each other so much that if one cries the other one does as well.

Halloween was good and cute, Xander was Luke Skywalker and Inara was Darth Vader. I will write more later my hand is cramping and I am falling asleep!

Mama settle down

Posted by T

So the funny thing that happened last week was I was getting frazzled and my dear sweet husband tells me to take a deep breath and calm down. This was overheard by Xander who now tells me to settle down when I am talking a little too adamently. He also told me I was talking crazy the other day which made me laugh so hard I cried. Scott had decided to play flag football with his cracked rib and called to tell me that was the plan for that evening. He plays regularly on Tuesday evenings with some friends in a city league. It's a good time for all Xander and I cheer him on and Inara eats grass so we are happy campers. I was pretty much telling Scott in no certain terms would he be playing when Xander grabs the phone informs his daddy that mommy is mad with him and talking crazy! He then chastizes me and tells me to be nice to his daddy. The funny things my babies do. Inara now thinks it is great fun to play in the dogs water and eat any scrap of paper she can get her hands on! They do keep us busy!

baby wearung daddy

Posted by T

So this is my contribution to the blog since Scott is now the editor. I belong to a group called NINO that supports babywearing. Meaning I try to have as much contact with our babies while still getting things done by wearing them on my body in a variety of ways. Now Scott calls it my propaganda since I love to spread the word about babywearing. But since he is such a good husband he supports me in my parenting choice and wears the babies too. I think this is my favorite set of pictures of him and inara at the state fair. She loves to play with his ears and she loves to be worn. Ohhh and that is my current favorite wrap called a gypsymama. That's all for now!

Visit to G'ma Sweetie and Papa Jim's

Posted by T

A Trip to Visit G'ma Sweetie and Papa Jim......The kids love thier Granparents...

The Kids become Harley Dudes and Dudettes....Xander even gets a cart ride..

A Fair-ey Fair-ey great State of Affairs

Posted by T

Hello All, this is my (Scott's) first foray into the Hawks' Family Bare with me... We just got back from our annual trip to the state fair with Tara's side of the family.

It was great fun. Xander and Inara had an oppotunity to try all kinds of exotic fried goods, and mom and dad got to wear in thier shoes a bit more. Xander and Scott had our typical State Fair Mohawks in sporting style, along with Uncle Bubba and Cousin Coda. We also got the chance to visit the Koudelkas and thier newest addition Julia. very nice.... Now we ae home and tired trying to recover and get moved back in here in WI.

8-14-2006 Out of order post

Posted by T

I am so sorry this has lapsed again! So much going on with 2 kiddos, a busy husband and the lovable but mischevious gaia dog. She is into eating diapers now, can we say disgusting and lots of work for me. I thought I should introduce Inara Girl . As some may know at the end of 2004 I found myself pregnant. Due to the immense stress of the holidays(which always stress me out but that is another post) moving to WI, having my husband home after six months of living apart and pregnant hormone fluctuations I was not as happy as I would have thought. Two weeks after we moved to Madison I went to the doctor because I was spotting only to confirm the fear that we were no longer pregnant. On our 5 year anniversary no less we lost our baby. I found myself despite my earlier feelings very distraught and sad. But we felt it was for the best, we hadn't planned on having another sunshine until we were more settled in our new home. WELLL three months later I became pregnant and with baited breath we waited to see if this time things would go well. They did and we were excited. Due to our insurance I couldn't have an ultrasound unless things went wrong so we didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl. I felt sick almost the entire time but there were no large complications so we waited for our suprise baby.I was overdue again on Jan. 10 and feeling like a baby beluga whale. Our dear friends Chris and Sarah came over to cheer us up and sure enough later that night around 3 am I couldn't handle the contractions any longer. Our baby girl showed up almost 12 hours later on Jan. 14th and of course since I had been up with our company late I was going on almost no sleep. When the baby arrived amidst tears of joy I said what is it and the reply was a girl! She was so beautiful with lots of hair and a perfectly round head, not cone shaped. She has been a fabulous baby eating well from the start sleeping well and being overall just an angel. Seven months later she is thriving and I can't believe that we ever didn't have her here with us. The first three months went by so fast as she woke up and became alert to the world. Xander has loved her from the start and we feel so blessed that he is such a good big brother. She growls and grunts like a little bear it's so cute. Around four to five months she worked on rolling over and by six she was scooting. Officially now she crawls really well and really fast. She even pulls herself up to standing now. I call her the destroyer because she is into everything and loves to eat paper! My children come equipped with my contact improvisational skills. They roll around on the floor like puppies together and although I am worried someone is going to get hurt so far noone has. Besides they both are laughing and squeelign its so much fun. Daddy and Xander have written a little song for her that they like to sing and she knows it's her song. It's called Inara girl and if you see them aske Xander to sing it for you. She is also our princess and our Bean. It's been such a joy to have her in our life and we are so thankful for our princess.
You can check out her 6 month pictures at click on my portraits the last name is hawks and the password is hawks.
hugs to all

3-8-2006 Out of Order Post

Posted by T

If you are reading this most likely you are a friend of a family member. That being said there are both friends and family that either we have never met or have not talked to in a long time. So I thought I would post some of the facts about us that will fill in the blanks for people.
I am 28 soon to be 29 Scott turned 31 in December and my birthday is in April. I am an Aires and as a funny side note Scott has dated a lot of Aries women. As a general rule I am rather stubborn and strongly opinionated, I like to think of it as passionate. We were married in 2000 after having known each other a total of four and a half months and having dated for about a whole thirty seconds or two weeks, before getting engaged. We met in a production of Stoppards Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead in which I played Ophelia and Scott was one of the Players. The first time I met Scott was at the call back audition and I sat down and started to talk to some of the people there. I was immediatley attracted to him. However a blonde woman came in and she knew Scott from college and he turned his attention to her. I was a bit put off but still I was thrilled when I found him at the first read through in which we tried to sit together he was attracted to my hands and I was annoyed that someone sat between us on the couch. Skip ahead a few weeks I thought my future husband was gay, a common misconception becuase all the gay men hit on him and he didn't freak out. Logical conclusion on my part was he was either of the mo persuasion or he was a coming and going guy. It turns out my husband just happens to be a very kind and friendly man who wouldn't be rude to anyone of any persuasion. This actually made it easier for us in the long run becuase we became friends and I could talk to him very easily becuase in my mind I didn't have to wonder if we could or would date. Needless to say I thought he was great and I could talk to him about anything so it came as a mack ton truck suprise when after the show started it's run he asked me out and I realized that I thought he was the cutest, funniest, sexiest and smartest guy I had ever met. Add the fact that we were good friends and a bit of moonlight you get falling in love and feeling like your walking on air. We were set to get married in Feb. but jumped the gun and eloped in January. I figured I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him so why not start sooner than later. We still had the wedding and it was lots of fun but I felt like being married to this man was more important than the act of getting married. I didn't need a fairy tale wedding to feel like a princess he made me feel like that all the time. Six years, two kids, one move, three dogs, and lots of things in between and I still feel like I did the first night he kissed me. I never want to leave his side. Having said that the funny thing is with Scott's job, which deserves a blog entery of it's own, has caused us to spend almost an entire year of our lives living in different states. It means that at any time of night or day he may be required to leave me without telling me where he is going or when he is returning. With a chance that if something goes wrong horribly wrong he won't be coming back. Scott's job is a huge part of who we are and what we believe in. It is committment that we made together and it is part of why I love him so dearly. He believes in freedom, that we should be free to make our own choices even if he doesn't agree with them. He believes in a greater good in the world and in helping others.

3-7-2006 Out of order post

Posted by T


Hopefully you are having a great day! In an effort to keep our friends and family connected I have decided to start this blog. Truthfully I have been meaning to do this for a few months but with the excitement of christmas and the expansion of our family I just didn't get it done. I will post things regularly about each of our family members as well as other fun and interesting things about us. Check frequently for new pictures and thoughts, although most of the posts will be by me since Scott has a busy schedule. Well that is all for now!
Smile life is good,

Posted by T

Spittle bitty star

Posted by T

SOOOOOOO... Inevitably you knew that I would fall behind and it has happened already. AHHH! By the way Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommies. I had a wonderful morning I awoke with my baby girl smiling at me as she spit, waved her arms and talked to me, I felt as if I could keep doing this mommy gig for another couple of years. When Scott and Xander woke up they brought me a muffin and card to my bed. I also recieved a rose bush which is a good faith gesture by my husband since I always kill our plants inadvertently and a large balloon. Scott in his wonderful way bought me three cards since they all expressed different things and no one card said what he wanted to say. HOW I LOVE THAT MAN.
Updates....Xander has been battling a virus for the last week. My little guy is a pile of sick little boy instead of his super ball of energy. The Doc said it's just a virus, so we wait push the fluids and hope that his bounce is back soon.

Inara is great! She is as smiley as ever, and getting chubbier by the day. She is very interested in her fingers and toes. She also loves it when her brother talks to her and plays with her. In the past day she has also discovered the dog and so if the dog moves, barks or licks her those baby blues pop open and she smiles.

Scott is getting back into the swing of things at work after a month long traveling and exercise (military) spree. The command will officially change in June and our good friend Major Steve Brewer will be leaving us. It's sad but rather normal for military life and so we will miss him but have another friend to visit on the east coast.

Me, well I'm me. I have my good days and my duct tape the kids to the wall days. I haven't gotten much done with Xander being sick. He needs lots of cuddles when he is sick and Inara just needs cuddles. But that is the good part of being a mommy so I go with it. I am making baby carriers for the people at work who had babies and I found a fabulous sewing machine at a garage sale.
I have had trouble uploading pictures to the blog but I will press forward. There are a bunch from Easter and Xanders birthday.

Posted by T

why thy title

Posted by T

Good morning everyone! I thought I would quickly explain the title of our blog. I personally am a huge fan of cartoons. More specifically cartoons from Disney or older cartoons. As you may be familiar with Toy Story you know that Buzz lightyears phrase is " to infinity...and beyond." We are huge Toy Story fans. Both Xander and myself. Did you know that Joss Whedon creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Scott's favorite show, was a writer on Toy Story. Anywho, we got to meet Buzz and Woody on our trip to disney world and it was most exciting. Xanders little eyes were huge and bright and he was so thrilled to meet the "real" Buzz and Woody. The last part of the title comes from another beloved cartoon. Finding Nemo, now if you have never seen either watch them! They are very well written with clever plots and dialogue that are witty enough for adults without being filled with cheap parlor tricks,i.e sexual or toilet humour. Dory one of the main characters explains in Nemo that what you have to do when life gets you down is just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming swimming. This particular movie helped Xander and I get through the 6 months we lived apart from Scott during Officer Basic Course. Xander wanted to watch it everyday and I firmly believe that was becuase the entire story is about Nemo being seperated from his daddy, and his daddy looking for Nemo. Needless to say Xander could identify with Nemo since his daddy was so far away. So I guess in a nutshell you have our family philosophy in life. We look to the hope of great things and where ever life takes us we keep our chin up and just keep swimming.

Posted by T

birthdays and stuff

Posted by T

Ha! I never did another post until now. However I am inspired by Kirk and Carries blog so I am trying again. That and our newest addition Inara Isabella Hawks is here so I have lots to report. I will post pictures tonight and you can all see how much she is growing and what a cutie she is. In addition I can add a lots of information for our family and friends. One of the things I should mention is Xanders birthday is coming up and I know grandmas have been asking what to get him so I will tell you what our little boy is currently into. He still likes the Wiggles but we pretty much own every toy and video now and I am a little Wiggled out! He has moved on to Thomas the train and he loves to play with his trains. Due to Uncle Jasons gift at christmas and his fathers fabulous idea to spurr on pottty training with the gift of trains, he has a large collection. Specifically he has the take along Thomas the train, not the wooden kind but the die cast. He can always use more track. The amazing part is he knows which ones he has and which character is which despite the fact there are so many. To date he doesn't have any of the playsets like the quarry or the airport etc. We looked on the website and found that we are missing, Diesel 10, Harvey, Bill and Ben, Emily, Spencer, Bert and Arry, Culdee, chinese dragon, oil barrel car, orange barrel car, magic mining car. I'm sure I missed some but those were the ones I can verify we don't have. He also is really into Harry Potter right now. He likes to pretend a pen is a wand or a broomstick. He is so funny he insists I call him Harry and he calls me Hermione. As always we appreciate any gift he gets, it's not like he is lacking in toys or clothes. So thank you ahead of time for your generosity. The other question but a lot less fun is what do I want for my birthday since it is one week after Xanders and I know my family always looks baffled. My favorite things in life are my friends and family. Next to the time I get to spend with them. I am in love with Chiptole and Jamba Juice so GC are always welcome.I also love to shop at Sephora but Scott can't understand a fifteen dollar tube of lipstick, what can I say I like to play with cosmetics. My current obsession and I am sure I will be posting a lot more on this is babywearing. There are some beautiful baby carriers out there handmade not in major retailers that you have to buy on the internet. So funds are always welcome to further my babywearing wardrobe. Inara is a great cuddler and it is the only way to hold her and give Xander some attenttion at the same time.Gotta run this is fun so more to come!!!